IRA is a registered Money Service Business with the FSA.
The company operates anti-money laundering and anit-terrorist financing controls.
We will refuse any transaction we believe to be money laundering.
We will report suspicious transactions.
Before we do business with anyone, we will require evidence of identity.
Copies of the evidence and records of transactions will be retained for a minimum of 5 years.
Data Protection
Personal data we hold in our files are protected under the Malaysia's Data Protection Act.
Dispute Resolution
IRA is committed to delivering an efficient and professional remittance service to all its clients.
In instances when concerns arise from our service, we resolve to address any complaint by:
- ensuring that filing a complaint is not unduly burdensome to the complainant;
- treating a complaint seriously in whatever manner it is communicated to us;
- dealing with complaints promptly;
- including in our response an apology for mistakes we may have caused; an explanation of our position, and/or information on any actions taken; and
- learning from complaints and using them to improve our service.
Filing a complaint:
Prepare your wtitten complaint and have it received by our duty manager. The contents of the complaint should include:
- the nature of the problem
- the date and time when the issue occurred
- the persons you were dealing with
- how you want us to resolve the matter
You may also send your report by fax to 03 2178 4685, or by email to
How we handle complaints:
We aim to reply fully to all complaints within 15 days from date of receipt; if, due to the complexity of the case, it is not possible to resolve it within the committed time,
an interim response will be issued advising the client what is being done to deal with the complaint, and when a full reply may be expected and from whom.
Copyright 2015 INTERNATIONAL REMITTANCE AGENCY. All rights reserved.